Personalized Homeopathy Kits
Have these Kits on hand to support your health throughout the days, at home and on the go.
A fantastic way to use Practical Homeopathy is to have a variety of remedies handy, and in this specific case with this specially crafted and elaborated selection of single and combination remedies together with a list of description and recommendations of what to use each one for each specific symptoms.
Please email me to request a list of the Remedies in each kit.
Have these Kits on hand to support your health throughout the days, at home and on the go.
A fantastic way to use Practical Homeopathy is to have a variety of remedies handy, and in this specific case with this specially crafted and elaborated selection of single and combination remedies together with a list of description and recommendations of what to use each one for each specific symptoms.
Please email me to request a list of the Remedies in each kit.
Have these Kits on hand to support your health throughout the days, at home and on the go.
A fantastic way to use Practical Homeopathy is to have a variety of remedies handy, and in this specific case with this specially crafted and elaborated selection of single and combination remedies together with a list of description and recommendations of what to use each one for each specific symptoms.
Please email me to request a list of the Remedies in each kit.
Single & Combination Remedies in Various Potencies / 50 Remedies in 1/2 dram glass vial / N10 Globules, Organic Sugar, Lactose Free
First Aid & Common Ailments
Aconite 200c (Shock, Trauma, Fear, Heart Attack, Pulse Fast, Panic Attack, Accidents, Eye injury, Ailments from Heat or Cold, Physical and Mental Restlessness, Croup)
ABC 200c {Aconitum, Belladonna, Chamomilla} (First Remedy for kids when getting sick, for colds, coughs, fever, pain)
Antimonium Crud 6c (Skin Issues, Rashes, Itching, Eczema, Herpes)
Antimonium Tart 30c (Loose Cough, Fluid in Lungs, Pneumonia)
ANXIETY 200c {AAA: Ambra Grisea + Anacardium Orientale + Argentum Nitricum} (Panic Attacks, Anxiety,
Claustrophobia, Fear to fly Airplanes, to be in public)
Apis 10M (Anaphylactic Attacks, Bee Stings, Swelling, Hives - very intense! feeling/symptoms)
Arnica 200c (Trauma, Injures, Head Trauma and Stroke, Accidents, Head Injuries, Cuts, Hematoma)
Arsenicum Album 200c (Food Poisoning, Chemical Poisonings, Vomiting, Itching, Anxiety, Herpes)
Belladonna 3c (Fever, Pain, Appendicitis, Conjunctivitis, Pancreatitis, Measles, Rubella, Influenza, Herpes, Dengue)
BITES & STINGS 200c {Apis, Cantharis, Ledum, Hypericum, Staphysagria}
Cantharis 200c (Burns, Cystitis, Burning Pain, UTI, Renal Stones)
Carbo Vegetablis 200c (Hemorrhages, Lack of air, Exhaustion, Face Blue, Newborn Blue)
Chamomilla 200c (Teeth Pain, Irritability, Pain in general, Ear Infection)
China Officials 200c (Dehydration, Loss of Fluids: Blood, Sweating, breastfeeding; General Weakness)
Cimicifuga 200c (Pain, Cramps, Heart Pain, Labor Pains)
Cocculus Indicus 200c (Jet Lag, Ailments from loss of sleep, Nausea and Vomiting from traveling)
Coffea Cruda 200c (Sleeplessness, Anxiety, Itching at night, Hyperactivity, Despair from Pain)
COLD {Aconite 200c + Bryonia 30c} (Colds, Flu, Sore throat, Cough, Pneumonia)
CONSTIPATION {Lycopodium 200c + Plumbum Metalicum 200c}
DIARRHEA {Veratrum Album 200c + Cuprum Met 6c} (Diarrhea, Weakness, Tremor, Cholera)
Drosera 30c (Cough, Whooping Cough, Croup)
Eupatorium 1M (Flu, Influenza, Cough, Aching Pain, Headaches, Use it as a Flu Prophylactic)
Gelsemium 30c (Fatigue, drowsiness, anxiety, droopy)
HEADACHES {Picricum Acidum 200c + Belladonna 3c}
Helonias 200c (Blood Sugar, Ailments from eating sugar)
Hepar Sulph 200c (Infections, Sore Throat, Mastitis, Lymph swollen, Eczema, Psoriasis, Cough)
Hyoscyamus Niger 200c (Lack of control, Hard to concentrate, Hysteria, Mania)
Hypericum 10M (Ill effects of injections, puncture wounds, lacerations, surgery, dental work, Inability to walk)
Ignatia 200c (Anxiety, Sadness, Hysteria, Insomnia, Sensitiveness, Disappointment, Depression)
INFECTION {Hypericum 200c + Arsenicum 200c} (Infection, Ulceration, Fistulas, After Surgeries, Dental Extraction)
INJURY 1M {Arnica + Bellis + Calendula + Hypericum + Rhus Tox + Ruta} (Pain - Overuse, Injuries, Traumas, Surgery)
Ipecac 30c (Nausea and Vomiting, Rattling cough, Management of coughs associated with many conditions: Measles,
Rubella, Whooping cough, Bleeding from lungs, uterus, Asthma, hemorrhage)
Lachesis 200c (Asthma, Palpitations, PMS, Bleeding, Bronchitis, Sore Throats-worse left side, Heart Conditions)
Ledum 10M (Puncture Wounds, Animal Bites and Stings, Tick Bites, Gout, Lyme Disease, Tetanus)
LYCOARS {Lycopodium 200c + Arsenicum 3c} (Digestion, Flatulence, Bloated, Insecurity)
Medorhinnum 200c (UTIs, Vaginal Issues, Kidneys, Gout, Vaginitis, Mucus Discharges, Bedwetting)
Mercurius Solubilis 200c (Sore Throat, Mouth and Gums Disorders, Aphthae)
Nux Vomica 200c (Over Indulgence, Hangover, Vomiting, Over Eating Sweets and Junk Food, Liver and Stomach Disorders)
Pain 200c {Belladonna + Chamomilla + Staphysagria + Hypericum} (When getting hurt-in any form and also great for
before the dentist)
Phosphorus 30c (Bleeding, Hemorrhages, Nose Bleeding, EMF sensitivity)
Pulsatilla 30c (Ear Infections, Creamy and Rich foods, Weeping, Hormonal Unbalances)
Rhus Tox 30c (Fever Blisters, Herpes, Paralysis, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Gout, Dengue, Cerebral Vascular Accidents CVA,
Arthritis, Tennis Elbow, Influenza, Fevers of Unknown Origin)
Ruta 200c (Over use of the eyes, hands, joints, ligaments issues)
SINUS {Sanguinaria 200c + Belladonna 3c} (Post Nasal Drip, Sinus Infection)
Sepia 200c (Overwhelmed, Hormone unbalances, Female Organs Issues)
Septic 200c {Gun Powder, Hepar Sulph, Pyrogenium} (Infections, Septic conditions)
Staphysagria 200c (Indignation, Suppressed anger, Mosquito Bites prophylactic, Post Surgery)
Stramonium 200c (Violence, Anger, Rage, Temper Tantrum, Ill Effects of dog bites, Delirium, Convulsions)
Sulphur 30c (Eruptions, Flushes of heat, Profuse sweat at night)
VASCULAR {Arnica 3c + Hammamelis 200c} (Bleeding, Hemorrhages, Blood Clots, Stroke, Brain Hemorrhage, Vascular
Single & Combination Remedies in Various Potencies / 50 Remedies in 1/2 dram glass vial / N10 Globules, Organic Sugar, Lactose Free
Acute & Chronic Conditions
Aethusa 200c (Milk Intolerance, Attention Deficit, Convulsions, Missed Milestones)
Agaricus Muscaricus 200c (Sciatica Pains, Frostbit and Chilblains, Extreme Sensitiveness to Cold)
ALLERGIES 200c {Allium Cepa + Sabadilla + Petroleum + Grass Pollen (Hay Fever, Allergies, Running Eyes/nose, Sneezing)
Aurum Arsenicum 200c (Lyme, Heart Attack, Molluscum Contagiosum )
Aurum Metallicum 200c (Depression, Grief, Insomnia, Fatigue, Headaches, Suicide Thoughts, Pain and Swelling of Testicles)
BLOOD {Ferrum Phos 3x + Kali Mur 3x} (Fatigue and Exhaustion, Anemia, Pneumonia, SARS, Colds, Vascular, Loss of Blood)
Bovista 200c (Food Intolerances and Allergies in General. Gluten Intolerance. Sweat in Axilla, smells like onions)
Bryonia 200c (Worse from Movement, Better from Pressure, Stitching Pains, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Knee, Joint Pain, Injuries)
Calcarea Carbonica 200c (Allergies and food intolerances, base line for frequent colds, growing issues with bones)
Camphora 200c (Clean the slate, start of a chronic protocol, Chills, Diarrhea, Influenza,Red Skin Disorder)
Calc Phos 3x (Bone disorders, Glands, Headaches, Ailments after bad news)
Carbon Oxide 200c (Covid Positive, Difficulty breathing, Lack of air, Hospitalization/Ventilators)
Chelidonium Majus 6x (Difficulty on digesting Fat, Liver Disorders, Gall Bladder Pains, Pain on the Back/Under Right Scapula)
CONSEPIA {Conium Maculatum 3c + Sepia 6c} (Female Organs Issues: Uterus, Bladder, Cervical, Uterine Bleeding, Fibroids,
Endometriosis, Infertility)
15. COVID TOXINS {10M: Graphine Oxide + Nano Soma} (Covid Positive + Antidote the Exposure to Graphine Oxide from the vaccines and environment. Boosts the immune system, neutralizing it with the ability to switch off the interaction with the body and spike proteins. Use: 1x day, 1 to 3 days)
16. Crotalus Horridus 200c (Cardio Vascular, Heart Pain, Hemorrhage, Dementia, Edema, Ebola, Plagues, Extreme Skin Infections)
17. Cuprum metallicum 6c (Convulsions, Tremors, Muscle Involuntary Ticks)
18. Cuprum metallicum 200c (Frozen Shoulder - Right, Post Herpetic Neuralgia)
19. FOOD INTOLERANCE / DIARRHEA {Ipecac 30c + Mercurius Solubilis 6c} (Also good for Nut and Sea Food Allergies)
20. FLU 10M {Influenzinum + Bacillinum + Oscillococcinum + Pneumococcinum } (Very strong Flu with threatening Pneumonia. Use: 1x day until Better)
21. Graphities 200c (Eczema, Obesity, Nail Fungus, Scars, Skin Disorders, Moist Crusty Golden eruptions)
22. Hepar 6c (Abscess: Brain, Breast, Mouth, Teeth; Boils, SARS, Covid)
23. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE {Rhus Tox 30c + Aconitum 200c} (Hypertension, Blood pressure, Fevers)
24. Hydrastis 200c (Mucus Discharges, Yellow discharges, Sinus; Cancer - various, Great for Injuries)
25. Ignatia 10M (Great Anxiety, Sadness and Hysteria, Disappointment, felt very strong)
26. Iris Versicolor 200c (Gerd, Sour belching)
27. Kali Bichromium 30c (Colds, Coryza, Sinus, Post Nasal Drip)
28. Kali Carbonicum 200c (Lung Disorders, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Back Aches, Asthma)
29. Kali Iodatum 6c (Asthma, Lungs, Breathing problems, Joint Pains, Wheezing, Pneumonia)
30. Kreosotum 200c (Vaginitis, Violent Itching of the Vagina, Leucorrhea, Teeth Decay, Putrid Odor)
31. Lac Humanum 30c C4 trituration (Connection with the mother, helping mother/
32. Lycopodium 30c (Edema)
33. Mag Phos 200c (Cramps, Headaches, )
34. MOLD & YEAST 10M {Candida Albicans + Penicillinum + Trichophyton + Epidermophyton + Alternaria + Mycrosporon}
(Recommended Use: 1x day until better)
35. Nat Phos 30c (Indigestion)
36. Naja 1M (Covid Positive with symptoms of the Heart/Blood Symptoms-Disorders, Endocarditis, Damaged heart after infectious
disease, Tachycardia, Angina)
37. Opium 200c (Coma, Fear, Painless, Trauma, Delirium tremens, Flashbacks of bad memories, Constipation)
38. Petroleum 200c (Dry Skin, Rashes, Worse in the winter)
39. Psorinum 1M (Skin Isseus Baseline. Recommended Use: 1 dose every 2 weeks)
40. Sarsaparilla Officinalis 30c (Renal Stones, Kidney Colic, Urinary Stone Disease, Severe Pain at conclusion of urination) 41. SKIN 200c {Antimonium Crudum 200c + Arsenicum Album} (Skin rashes, Itching, Impetigo)
42. Spigelia 200c (Left Side Headaches, Left Side Sinus Infection)
43. Silica 200c (Splinters, Styes, Abscess, Swelling of lacrimal duct, Fistula in anus)
44. Syphillinum 200c (Frozen Shoulder, Left)
45. Tarentula Hispanica 200c (Chorea, Infected Bites, Post-Herpetic Neuralgia)
46. Thuja 30c (Warts, Viral Infections, Polyps, Ailments from Vaccination)
47. Tuberculinum 200c (Allergies as a base line, Asthma, Diarrhea, Hyperactivity and Behavioral disorder. Use: Every 14days) 48. Urtica Urens 30c (Burns, Anaphylactic Shock, Urticaria, Hives, Eruption itching or swollen, Ill Effects of Eating Shell )
49. Vaccininum 15c (Shingles, Herpes, Post Neuralgia)
50. Worms 200c {Cina + Sulphur + Male Fern} (Recommended Use: 1x for a while)
Single & Combination Remedies in Various Potencies / 50 Remedies in 1/2 dram glass vial / N10 Globules, Organic Sugar, Lactose Free
{ #3 } Variety on Hands ($250)
Absinthium Artemisia 200c (Epilepsy, Convulsions, Suden Seizures, Mushroom Poisoning, Facial Twitching)
Achyranthes Calea 200c (Chicken Pox, Encephalitis, Measles, Meningitis, Pyelonephritis, Rubella, Scarlet fever)
Aesculus Hippocastanum 200c (Hip complaints, Sacral-Iliac Pain since an injury or fall, Backache, Sharp pain on the rectum
Anacardium Orientale 200c (Acts on the Mind, Nerves, Muscles ad Joints, Dementia, Schizophrenia, Religious mania)
Argentum Nitricum 200c (Irresistible desire for sugar, Anticipation, Anxiety Attacks, Strange Compulsions)
Bacillinum 200c (Use: Every 14 days for Dandruff, Molluscum, Dental Tartar)
Baryta Carbonica 200c (Children failure to mature, Elderly turning into child behavior, More clarity)
Benzoic Acidum 30c (Gout, Asthma, Offensive Urine in an old man, Kidney Insufficiency)
Borax 200c (Trush, Cold Sores, Canker Sores, Herpes of the Mouth, Aphthae, Worse from downward motion, sensitive to
sudden noises, Irritation of the Breasts and Baby’s Mouth, sudden hoarseness)
Bromium 6c (Throat, Glands, Tonsils, Neck, Enlarged, Hard, Swollen, Inflamed. Mumps. Thyroid. Allergies to dust)
Cactus Grandiflorus (Extraordinary Pain. Cardiac Arrest-Pericarditis, as if an iron band has prevented its movements,
Esophagus, Chest and Bladder, Effects of the Covid Jabs)
12. Cadminum Sulphuricum 200c (Negates the Side Effects of Chemotherapy and Radiation treatments)
13. Calc Fluor 50M (Builgid disks, cavities. Use: 1 dose every few days)
14. Cannabis Indica 200c (Cannabis detox. Children of pot smokers, Memory Weak, Time passes too slowly, uncontrollable laugher, Absentent-mind)
15. Carcinosim 30c (Cancer Protocol: 1 dose Every other day) (Keloids, OCD, Fatigue Chronic, Immune deficiency)
16. Cauliphylum 200c (Great for infected Labor, weak and irregular, ‘Incompetent’ uterus, helps delivering the placenta)
17. Causticum 200c (Ailments from use of Steroids and Cortisol, UTI, Constant need to clear the Throat, Weakness)
18.Cicuta Virosa 200c (Falls and Effects of Concussions, Violent Injuries with Violent Body reactions)
19. Citrus Vulgaris 3c (Best medicine for Bleeding)
20. Coca 200c (Altitude, Mountain Sickness, Voice Loss, sensation of small foreign bodies under the skin, Headaches of altitude) 21. Colchicum Autumnale 200c (GastroIntestinal Remedy, Trap Gas, Tympanic, Gout and rheumatism, Arthritic pain)
22. Conium 6c (Enlarged prostata, Impotence, Heavy feeling on the perineum, Woman and Men’s remedy)\
23. Elaps Corallinus (Black discharges, especially Hemorrhages)
24. Euphrasia 30c (Greatest Eye Remedy)
25. Fluoricum Acidum 200c (Goiter, Domineering behavior, Aversion to his own family, Porn Addiction, Radiation)
26. Glonoinum 3c (Heart Pain, Vascular, Pulsating Headaches, Strokes, Sun-headaches, Sunstroke)
27. Helleborus Niger 30c (Difficult to concentrate, Brain diseases, Memory, Meningitis, Coma, concussions)
28. Hyppozaeninum 200c (Infection instead of Antibiotics, Bedsores, Glands, Infected Lymph nodes)
29. Kalmia Latifolia 1M (Shingles, Neuralgia and Rheumatism, Across the back, arms and shoulders)
30. Lathyrus Sativus 200c (Polio, Neurological Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis)
31. Lilium Tigrinum 200c (Girl and Woman’s remedy, conflict religious ideas and sexuality, anger)
32. Lyssinum 200c (Rabies Nosode) (Being bitten by a dog, (2x day) together with HyperArs 200c and Stramonium 200c)
33. Nitiricum Acidum 30c ((Anxiety, cracks on fingers and lips, rectal fissures, malignancies in general, warts (genital)
34. Nat Mur 200c (Acute and chronic grief, severe depression and feeling of isolation, holding grudges for years)
35. Phosphoricum acidum (Great for students and intellectual workers, Fatigue and Debility, loss of joy in life, never well since the flu, loss of fluids)
36. Phytolacca Decandra 200c (Enlarged tonsils, mastitis, breast pain, Lymph nodes, Glandular, Mumps, Sore Throat)
37. Spongia Tosta 30c (Cough, croup, dryness of mucous membranes, Sympathetic cough of heart disease, difficulty breathing, whopping cough)
38. Secale Cornutum 200c (LSD, Thrombosis, Vascular, Feet needs to be amputated)
39. Nat Sulph 10M (Head Injuries. Use: 3 doses in 24 hours)
40. Stannum Metallicum (Cheast weakness, Lungs weak, Marked debility with anxiety,, worse using voice)
41. Sabina 6c + Arnica 3c (Gushing, Heavy Bleeding, Clots, Abortion effects, Hemorrhages, Retained Placenta, After pains)
42. Stramonium 1x (Mania, Schizophrenia, Bipolar - Use only when in Maniac states)
43.. Strontium Carbonicum 200c (Post Surgical Shock, lots of cutting, Hemorrhages, Weakness, Collapse
44. , Coldness, Growth in Bones, Dental Cavitations, Extreme Arnica, Ankle Sprains or swollen)
45. Symphytum 200c + Arnica 200c (Knee pain, Arthritis of the knees)
46. Tabaccum 200c (Nausea, Great for Pregnancy Nausea, Antidote Cholera, Violent Vomiting, Seasickness)
47. Tellurium Metallicum 200c (Herniated disks, Contraction of the tendons, Herpes Scrotum/perineum, Contractions of tendons in beans of knees)
48. Thyosinaminum 6c (Scar Tissue)
49. X-Ray 30c (Ailments from X-ray, radiation)
50. Zincum Metalicum 200c (Suppressed Eruptions and Discharges, Twitching, Jerking, convulsions, restless legs)
Single & Combination Remedies in Various Potencies / 50 Remedies in 1/2 dram glass vial / N10 Globules, Organic Sugar, Lactose Free
{ #4 } Homeoprophilaxis ($250)
Based on Dr Isaac Golden and Kate Birch’s book
1. Thuja occidentalis 30C (Vaccine Detox) / 962959 / 316 2. Mercurius 30C (Mercury Detox) / 763584 / 316
3. Alumina 30C (Aluminum Detox) / 689429 / 316
4. Plumbum 30C (Lead Detox) / 255745 / 316
5 + 6. Cholera Toxin nosode 200C/10M (Cholera) / 91175245 / 468 / 699
7 + 8. Dengue Fever nosode 200C/10M (Dengue) / 3527861457 / 468 / 699
9 + 10. Diptherinum 200C/10M (Diptheria) / 865624 / 468 / 699
11 + 12. Hepatitis AB nosode 200C/10M (Hepatitis A&B) /342498/ 468 / 699
13 + 14. Hib Haemophilis 200C/10M (Hip A or B) / 548768 / 468 / 699
15 + 16. Human Papilloma Virus 200C/10M Papilloma Virus Humani / 373539 / 468 / 699
17 + 18. Influenzinum 200C/10M (Influenza) / 93121972 / 468 / 699
19 +20. Lathyrus 200C/10M (Poliomyelitis - Polio) / 2791728 / 468 / 699
21 + 22. Malaria nosode 200C/10M (Malaria) / 562421 / 468 / 699
23 +24. Meningococcin 200C/10M (Meningitis) / 75571921/ 468 / 699
25 + 26. Mobillinum 200C/10M - (Rubella) Rubeola / 692348 / 468 / 699
27 +28. Parotidinum 200C/10M (Measles, Mumps) / 42634 / 468 / 699
29 + 30. Pertussin 200C/10M (Whooping Cough) / 897542 / 468 / 699
31 +32. Pneumococcinum 200C/10M (Pneumonia) / 428763 / 468 / 699
33 + 34. Rotavirus nosode 200C/10M (Rotavirus) Rotavirus 113 & 87 Nosode / 469646 / 757231 / 468 / 699 35 + 36. Tetanus 200C/10M (Tetanus Nosode) / 875657 / 468 / 699
37 + 38. Typhoidinum 200C/10M (Typhoid Fever) / 969558* / 468 / 699
39 + 40. Vaccininum 200C/10M (Cowpox Vaccine) / 233636 / 468 / 699
41 + 42. Varicella 200C/10M - (Chicken Pox) Varicellovirus / 279873 / 468 / 699
43 + 44. Variolinum 200C/10M (Smallpox Nosode) / 16857761 / 468 / 699
45 + 46. Yellow Fever nosode 200C/10M (Yellow Fever) 454187333 / 468 / 699
47. Eupatorium 1M (COVID/flu) / 699627 / 573
48. Gelsemium 200C (COVID/flu) / 8519978 / 468
49. Oscillococcinum 200C (Seasonal Flu) / 137873 / 468
50. Ledum 30C (Tetanus Wounds) / 563769 / 316
Single & Combination Remedies in Various Potencies / 50 Remedies in 1/2 dram glass vial / N10 Globules, Organic Sugar, Lactose Free
Aconitum 10MM
Aconitum MM
Aconitum CM
Aconitum 50M
Arnica 10MM
Arnica MM
Arnica CM
Arnica 50M
Calc FLuor 10MM
Calc Fluor MM
Conium 10MM
Conium MM
Conium CM
Conium 50M
Hydrastis 10MM
Hydrastis MM
Hydrastis CM
Hydrastis 50M
Hypericum 10MM
Hypericum MM
Hypericum CM
Hypericum 50M
Ignatia 10MM
Ignatia MM
Ignatia CM
Ignatia 50M
Ledum 10MM
Ledum MM
Ledum CM
Ledum 50M
Nat Mur 10MM
Nat Mur MM
Nat Mur CM
Nat Mur 50M
Pulsatilla 10MM
Pulsatilla MM
Ruta 10MM
Ruta MM
Ruta CM
Ruta 50M
Sepia 10MM
Sepia MM
Staphysagria 10MM
Staphysagria MM
Staphysagria CM
Staphysagria 50M
Symphytum 10MM
Symphytum MM
Symphytum CM
Symphytum 50M
{ #5 } MEGA Potencies ($300)